Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
As soon as your payment is cleared, we’ll promptly send you an email containing the download link for your manual. In case you don’t receive our email within 10 minutes, kindly check your spam or junk folder. If you still can’t find it, feel free to contact us for assistance.
If you haven’t received your order confirmation email, there could be a few possible reasons:
- Firstly, you may have entered an incorrect email address or made a typo at checkout.
- Alternatively, the email may have been filtered into your junk or spam folder.
- Finally, it’s possible that your payment hasn’t cleared yet.
If you’re experiencing any issues with receiving your confirmation email, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Simply provide your order information, including your name and the email address used at checkout, and we’ll do our best to assist you promptly.
Our manuals are available in the PDF format, and we suggest using free applications such as Adobe Reader or Foxit Reader to view them. It’s essential to download and save the file to your device to ensure permanent access.
You can print all the manuals without any limitations.
Absolutely! To ensure your order is processed securely, we use industry-standard encryption during checkout. This means your payment details are protected while being processed through our trusted payment providers, PayPal. Furthermore, to ensure the safety of all our customers, we perform regular malware scans on all our files.